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Aves - Neognathae - Psittaciformes - Cacatuidae - Nymphicus hollandicus

Mandible (Jawbone ) of a Nymphicus hollandicus (Cockatiel)

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Species Description
The Cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus) is not only unique to Australia, but is also an unusual member of the Cockatoo family. As a caged bird, though known to be noisy, the Cockatiel can be an outstanding household pet and companion parrot. The Cockatiel shares numerous characteristics with smaller parrots in that the body of the Cockatiel is small, slender, and has a long, pointed tail. The plumage is mainly grey, some white flashes outline the wings, and orange patches appear on the cheeks. The Cockatiel is sexually-dimorphic, the male is identified by a bright yellow forehead, crest and face. One of the many interesting features found in the Cockatiel bird is the erectile crest which the bird uses to express itself. When the crest is strictly vertical, the cockatiel is eager or troubled. When the crest is slightly oblique, the bird is relaxed, and when the crest is flattened down to the head, the bird is becoming protective or angry. Strongly nomadic, the Cockatiel travels to find berries, grains, fruits, plants, seeds of grasses, Acacia seeds, and fresh supplies of water. Periods of breeding vary because Cockatiels breed in response to sufficient periods of rain. As a house pet, the Cockatiel is known to be sweet in behavior depending on care and handling.
Skeletal Elements Available

Left Humerus (Left Upper Arm Bone)

Right Humerus (Right Upper Arm Bone)

Sternum (Breast Bone)

Mandible (Jawbone )
External Links
Encyclopedia of Life

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