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Aves - Neognathae - Piciformes - Picidae - Dryocopus - Dryocopus pileatus

Species Description
The Pileated Woodpecker is considered to be one of the largest woodpeckers in the United States, and it can be found in deciduous forests in eastern North America, the boreal forests of Canada, the Great Lakes, and parts of the Pacific Coast. The woodpecker mainly eats insects, and rectangular holes can often be found in trees in which one has been searching for food. They raise their young each year in a hole in a tree, but abandon the hole as soon as the brood is raised. The holes are also used as mating techniques, as the male uses his newly made hole to attract a female. Due to the continuous creation of holes in trees, the woodpecker family as a whole is important for the shelter and survival of many other bird species. The woodpecker call is classified as a “wild laugh” and they are often heard drumming loudly on trees.
Skeletal Elements Available

Left Femur (Left Upper Leg Bone)

Right Tibiotarsus and Fibula (Right Middle Leg Bones)

Left Tibiotarsus and Fibula (Left Middle Leg Bones)

Right Humerus (Right Upper Arm Bone)

Sternum (Breast Bone)

Left Tarsometatarsus (Left Fused Element Consisting of Ankle and Middle Foot Bones)

Left Ulna (Lower Arm Bone )

Left Radius (Lower Arm Bone)

Furcula (Wishbone)
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