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Aves - Neognathae - Cuculiformes - Cuculidae - Centropus - Centropus sinensis

Sternum (Breast Bone) of a Centropus sinensis (Crow Pheasant)

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Species Description
The Crow Pheasant or Greater Coucal is a non-parasitic cuckoo found in a wide range of habitats throughout Asia, from India to China and Indonesia. The Greater Coucal is a weak flier, spending most of its time on the ground searching for insects, eggs, nestlings and small vertebrates. It gets up into trees by climbing up inclined branches to the canopy, jumping from branch to branch, and then gliding back down to the ground; it catches insects during the glide, and also jumps up into the air to catch flying insects. The Greater Coucal’s call is very deep, and has been associated with spirits and omens.
Skeletal Elements Available

Sternum (Breast Bone)

Right Humerus (Right Upper Arm Bone)

Mandible (Jawbone )

Right Tarsometatarsus (Right Fused Element Consisting of Ankle and Middle Foot Bones)

Left Humerus (Left Upper Arm Bone)

Left Femur (Left Upper Leg Bone)

Right Femur (Right Femur)

Left Tibiotarsus and Fibula (Left Middle Leg Bones)

Right Tibiotarsus and Fibula (Right Middle Leg Bones)

Left Tarsometatarsus (Left Fused Element Consisting of Ankle and Middle Foot Bones)
External Links
Animal Diversity Web
Encyclopedia of Life
Wikipedia Crow Pheasant Page

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