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Right Femur (Right Femur) of the Barn Owl Tyto alba (MCZ 347505)

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Phylogenic Position
Aves - Neognathae - Strigiformes - Tytonidae - Tyto - Tyto alba
Species Description
The Barn Owl (or Common Barn Owl, as it is sometimes known so as to differentiate it from other members of the family Tytonidae) is one of the most widely distributed birds in the world, found on every continent save for Antarctica. Across its large range, there are up to 46 different races of Barn Owl, with the North American race being the largest (and the Galapagos being the smallest). The Barn Owl is found in open habitats like grasslands, deserts and marshes; however, it also needs a cavity in which to nest, which limits its ability to use some of its range. It hunts at night, flying low over the ground looking for prey (mostly rodents), and is able to hover over patches where it suspects there is prey; tiny serrations on the leading edge of the flight feathers make its flight silent. Although the Barn Owl possesses excellent low-light vision, it uses its exceptional hearing to locate prey; the Barn Owl has some of the best hearing of any animal tested, and is able to catch mice in complete darkness. Unlike “typical” owls (family Strigidae), the Barn Owl does not hoot, but screeches; its pale color, silent flight and strident calls have given it names such as Demon Owl, Ghost Owl, Death Owl, Hobgoblin (or Hobby) Owl, and Scritch Owl.
Specimen Information
Species Tyto alba (Barn Owl)
Element Right Femur (Right Femur)
Specimen Number MCZ 347505
Location 25 mi. S of Washington, DC
Geological Age Recent
Technical Information
Scanner Konica Minolta Range7
Resolution 40 µm
Number of Data Points 353126
Number of Data Polygons 176685
Date Scanned July 28, 2011
Scan Technician Ariana Masi
Edited By Ariana Masi

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Download Digital Model Size
STL File Not Publicly Available 17.7 MB
Other Tyto alba (Barn Owl) Elements
Specimen Element
MCZ 347505 Sternum (Breast Bone)
MCZ 347505 Left Femur (Left Upper Leg Bone)
MCZ 347505 Left Humerus (Left Upper Arm Bone)
MCZ 347505 Right Humerus (Right Upper Arm Bone)
MCZ 347505 Mandible (Jawbone )
MCZ 347505 Left Tarsometatarsus (Left Fused Element Consisting of Ankle and Middle Foot Bones)
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