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Aves - Neognathae - Anseriformes - Anhimidae - Anhima - Anhima cornuta

Sternum (Breast Bone) of a Anhima cornuta (Horned Screamer)

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Species Description
The Horned Screamer lives in the wetlands throughout South America. Though it is in the family Anatidae (waterfowl) and possesses partial webbed feet, it looks more like gamebirds, with its chicken-like beak and long legs. The Horned Screamer is found in well-vegetated swamps, where they subsist solely on water plants; its tongue is horny (not fleshy), which helps deal with tough plant material. Like its name suggests, the Horned Screamer is very vocal, with a loud, screeching call; a long quill, made of cartilage, protrudes from its head. While takeoff is ponderous, the Horned Screamer is a capable flier; abundant airsacs in its bones and under the skin allow for soaring flight, and make it lighter than its size would suggest.
Skeletal Elements Available

Sternum (Breast Bone)

Sternum (Breast Bone)

Left Femur (Left Upper Leg Bone)

Right Femur (Right Femur)

Left Humerus (Left Upper Arm Bone)

Right Humerus (Right Upper Arm Bone)

Furcula (Wishbone)

Right Tarsometatarsus (Right Fused Element Consisting of Ankle and Middle Foot Bones)

Left Tarsometatarsus (Left Fused Element Consisting of Ankle and Middle Foot Bones)

Right Ulna (Lower Arm Bone )

Left Ulna (Lower Arm Bone )

Left Radius (Lower Arm Bone)

Right Radius (Lower Arm Bone )

Left Tibiotarsus and Fibula (Left Middle Leg Bones)

Right Tibiotarsus and Fibula (Right Middle Leg Bones)
External Links
Animal Diversity Web
Encyclopedia of Life
Wikipedia Horned Screamer Page

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