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Phylogenic Position | |
Aves - Neognathae - Apodiformes - Trochilidae - Archilochus - Archilochus colubris | |
Species Description | |
Specimen Information | |
Species | Archilochus colubris (Ruby-throated Hummingbird) |
Element | Left Ulna (Lower Arm Bone ) |
Specimen Number | Hedrick Lab UNC (Uncataloged Specimen) |
Sex | |
Location | |
Geological Age | Recent |
Technical Information | |
Scanner | The HMXST Micro-CT x-ray Imaging System |
Resolution | 3 - 5 µm |
Number of Data Points | 117476 |
Number of Data Polygons | 58714 |
Date Scanned | October 15, 2011 |
Scan Technician | Ivo Ros |
Edited By | Ty Hedrick |
Photographs | |
View All 1 Images |
Download Digital Model | Size |
STL File Not Publicly Available | 5.9 MB |
Other Archilochus colubris (Ruby-throated Hummingbird) Elements | |
Specimen | Element |
Hedrick Lab UNC (Uncataloged Specimen) | Left Carpometacarpus and Alula (fused hand and wrist bones (left)) |
Hedrick Lab UNC (Uncataloged Specimen) | Left Humerus (Left Upper Arm Bone) |
Hedrick Lab UNC (Uncataloged Specimen) | Furcula (Wishbone) |
Hedrick Lab UNC (Uncataloged Specimen) | Left Digit (Left Digit) |
Hedrick Lab UNC (Uncataloged Specimen) | Left Coracoid (Left Shoulder Bone) |
Hedrick Lab UNC (Uncataloged Specimen) | Left Wing Skeleton (Left Wing Skeleton) |
Hedrick Lab UNC (Uncataloged Specimen) | Left Metacarpus (Left Lower Arm Bone) |
Hedrick Lab UNC (Uncataloged Specimen) | Left Radius (Lower Arm Bone) |
Hedrick Lab UNC (Uncataloged Specimen) | Left Radiale (Left Lower Wrist Bone) |
Hedrick Lab UNC (Uncataloged Specimen) | Right Coracoid (Right Shoulder Bone) |
Institution Data Use Policy | |
This partial wing skeleton from a female Ruby-throated hummingbird was created as part of a study of the hummingbird flight stroke (Hedrick et al., 2011). The bird in question weighed 3.43 grams, had a wing span of 10.7 cm and an exposed culmen length of 18.2 mm. The wing skeleton, extracted from a micro-CT scan of the bird, was posed to approximate the mid-downstroke configuration. Several bones in the scan are incomplete, notably the sternum and left scapula. Scans were performed at the Center for Nanoscale Systems at Harvard University, a member of the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN). Funding for this work was provided by National Science Foundation grants IOS-0923606 and IOS-0744056 to Bret W. Tobalske, Douglas R. Warrick and Andrew A. Biewener.