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Right Tarsometatarsus (Right Fused Element Consisting of Ankle and Middle Foot Bones) of the Emu Dromaius novaehollandiae (MCZ 1586)

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Phylogenic Position
Aves - Palaeognathae - Struthioniformes - Casuariidae - Dromaiinae - Dromaius - Dromaius novaehollandiae
Species Description
The Emu is the largest bird native to Australia, and the second largest bird in the world. Standing up to 2m tall, the Emu is a ratite and, like its closest relative the cassowary (or other ratites, like ostriches and kiwis), the Emu lacks a sternal keel. However, it has large calf muscles, and it can sprint up to 50 km/h. The Emu prefers open woodlands and savannah, where it grazes for plants and insects; it also swallows pebbles to aid with the digestion of tough plant material. The Emu is opportunistically nomadic, and will range great distances for food. While it normally travels in pairs (or small family groups), the Emu will flock in large numbers when migrating.
Specimen Information
Species Dromaius novaehollandiae (Emu)
Element Right Tarsometatarsus (Right Fused Element Consisting of Ankle and Middle Foot Bones)
Specimen Number MCZ 1586
Sex Female
Location Concord Field Station
Geological Age Recent
Technical Information
Scanner Konica Minolta Range7
Resolution 40 µm
Number of Data Points 473734
Number of Data Polygons 236877
Date Scanned June 23, 2010
Scan Technician Tiffany Medwid
Edited By Ariana Masi

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STL File Not Publicly Available 23.7 MB
Other Dromaius novaehollandiae (Emu) Elements
Specimen Element
MCZ 1586 Sternum (Breast Bone)
MCZ 1586 Left Tarsometatarsus (Left Fused Element Consisting of Ankle and Middle Foot Bones)
MCZ 343198 Sternum (Breast Bone)
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