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Aves - Palaeognathae - Apterygiformes - Apterygidae - Apteryx - Apteryx australis

Cranium (Skull) of a Apteryx australis (Common kiwi)

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Species Description
The kiwi (genus Apteryx) is a small, flightless bird, represented by six recognized species that are only found in parts of New Zealand. The North Island Brown Kiwi, the most abundant species, lives throughout the North Island; of the remaining species, four (the Great Spotted Kiwi, Okarito Brown Kiwi, Haast Tokoeka and Southern Tokoeka) are found in small pockets on the South Island, while the Little Spotted Kiwi is found only on predator-free islands off the New Zealand coast. Kiwis stand about 40 cm tall, and weigh between 4-6 lbs; reverse sexual dimorphism occurs in these birds, with the female being larger than the male. They are primarily forest-dwellers, but can survive in shrubland if their usual habitat is disturbed.

Skeletal Elements Available

Sternum (Breast Bone)

Left Tarsometatarsus (Left Fused Element Consisting of Ankle and Middle Foot Bones)

Right Tarsometatarsus (Right Fused Element Consisting of Ankle and Middle Foot Bones)

Right Tibiotarsus (Middle Leg Bone, Right)

Left Femur (Left Upper Leg Bone)

Right Femur (Right Femur)

Left Fibula (Left Middle Leg Bone)

Right Fibula (Right Middle Leg Bone)

Left Tibiotarsus and Fibula (Left Middle Leg Bones)

Sternum (Breast Bone)

Cranium (Skull)

Mandible (Jawbone )

Left Humerus articulated with radius and ulna (Left upper arm bone articulated with lower arm bones)

Right Femur (Right Femur)

Right Tarsometatarsus (Right Fused Element Consisting of Ankle and Middle Foot Bones)

Left Tarsometatarsus (Left Fused Element Consisting of Ankle and Middle Foot Bones)

Left Tibiotarsus and Fibula (Left Middle Leg Bones)

Rib 7 (Rib 7)

Left Femur (Left Upper Leg Bone)

Left Scapulocoracoid (Left Shoulder)

Right Phalange 3A (Right Toe Bone 3A)

Right Phalange 2A (Right Toe Bone 2A)

Right Tibiotarsus and Fibula (Right Middle Leg Bones)

Left Phalange 4A (Left Toe Bone 4A)

Rib 6 (Rib 6)

Bone 1 (Bone 1)

Rib 5 (Rib 5)

Articulated Right Radius and Ulna (Lower Arm Bones)

Left Phalange 3B (Left Phalange 3B)

Right Phalange 3C (Right Toe Bone 3C)

Left Phalange 3C (Left Toe Bone 3C)

Right Phalange 4D (Right Toe Bone 4D)

Left Phalange 2A (Left Toe Bone 2A)

Ribcage and Sternum (Left Vertebral Face Missing)

Vertebra with ribs (Vertebra with ribs)

Left Phalange 3D (Left Toe Bone 3D)

Left Phalange 2B (Left Toe Bone 2B)

Right Phalange 2B (Right Toe Bone 2B)

Left Phalange 4D (Left Toe Bone 4D)

Right Phalange 3D (Right Toe Bone 3D)

Left Phalange 4B (Left Toe Bone 4B)

Bone 2 (Bone 2)

Bone 3 (Bone 3)

Right Phalange 1B (Right Toe Bone 1B)

Left Phalange 2C (Left Toe Bone 2C)

Left Phalange 4E (Left Toe Bone 4E)

Left Phalange 4C (Left Toe Bone 4C)

Left Phalange 1B (Left Toe Bone 1B)

Left Phalange 3A (Left Toe Bone 3A)

Bone 4 (Bone 4)

Bone 5 (Bone 5)

Right Phalange 4C (Right Toe Bone 4C)

Right Phalange 4B (Right Toe Bone 4B)

Left Phalange 1A (Left Toe Bone 1A)

Rib1 (Rib 1)

Rib 2 (Rib 2)

Rib 3 (Rib 3)

Right Phalange 2C (Right Toe Bone 2C)

Right Phalange 4E (Right Toe Bone 4E)

Right Phalange 3B (Right Toe Bone 3B)

Right Phalange 4A (Right Toe Bone 4A)

Left Pes (cast) (Left Foot)

Right Pes (Right Foot)

Right Phalange 1A (Right Toe Bone 1A)
External Links
Animal Diversity Web
Encyclopedia of Life
Wikipedia Common Kiwi Page

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