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Mandible (Jawbone ) of the Kakapo Strigops habroptilus (YPM 102332)

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Phylogenic Position
Aves - Neognathae - Psittaciformes - Nestoridae - Strigops habroptilus
Species Description
The Kakapo (Strigops habroptilus) is the only extant species of flightless parrot. It is a large yellow-green parrot native to New Zealand. Despite the fact that it is terrestrial it retains the short legs of a parrot. It is nocturnal and herbivorous. The males are larger than the females and do not participate in the raising of the young. Males use a lek breeding system; they gather in small groups and make loud booming calls to attract females. The males will even dig a shallow disc in the ground that they use to amplify their calls. Following an evolutionary theme that is common amongst island bird species (e.g. the Dodo), the Kakapo lost the ability to fly because of the lack of predators in New Zealand. Unfortunately, predators such as cats and rats arrived with the first European and Polynesian colonizers. The Kakapo population has declined and as of February 2010 only 120 birds remain. This critically endangered species has had many conservation efforts brought about on its behalf. All of the birds have now been moved to two islands that are thus far free of predators in the hopes that the population will rebound.
Specimen Information
Species Strigops habroptilus (Kakapo)
Element Mandible (Jawbone )
Specimen Number YPM 102332
Sex Female
Geological Age Recent
Technical Information
Scanner Konica Minolta Range7
Resolution 40 µm
Number of Data Points 76545
Number of Data Polygons 43521
Date Scanned April 07, 2011
Scan Technician Abby Grace Drake
Edited By Abby Grace Drake

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STL File Not Publicly Available 4.3 MB
Other Strigops habroptilus (Kakapo) Elements
Specimen Element
YPM 102332 Right Femur (Right Femur)
YPM 102332 Left Femur (Left Upper Leg Bone)
YPM 102332 Sternum (Breast Bone)
YPM 102332 Right Humerus (Right Upper Arm Bone)
YPM 102332 Left Tarsometatarsus (Left Fused Element Consisting of Ankle and Middle Foot Bones)
YPM 102332 Right Tarsometatarsus (Right Fused Element Consisting of Ankle and Middle Foot Bones)
YPM 102332 Left Humerus (Left Upper Arm Bone)
YPM 102332 Left Tibiotarsus and Fibula (Left Middle Leg Bones)
YPM 102332 Right Tibiotarsus and Fibula (Right Middle Leg Bones)
YPM 103003 Right Femur (Right Femur)
YPM 103003 Right Radius (Lower Arm Bone )
YPM 103003 Left Radius (Lower Arm Bone)
YPM 103003 Left Humerus (Left Upper Arm Bone)
YPM 103003 Right Humerus (Right Upper Arm Bone)
YPM 103003 Left Femur (Left Upper Leg Bone)
YPM 103003 Right Tarsometatarsus (Right Fused Element Consisting of Ankle and Middle Foot Bones)
YPM 103003 Left Tibiotarsus and Fibula (Left Middle Leg Bones)
YPM 103003 Right Tibiotarsus and Fibula (Right Middle Leg Bones)
YPM 103003 Left Ulna (Lower Arm Bone )
YPM 103003 Right Ulna (Lower Arm Bone )
YPM 103003 Mandible (Jawbone )
YPM 103003 Left Tarsometatarsus (Left Fused Element Consisting of Ankle and Middle Foot Bones)
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